Two highlights

C. F. Meyer celebration in the Predigerkirche, Zurich

At the end of 2017, the complete literary works of Conrad Ferdinand Meyer were available, edited as a Buch UND Hörbuch in twelve handsome cassettes. Some of the most prominent German-speaking actors and speakers recorded his poems and novellas, and well-known writers paid tribute to his work.

Reason enough to celebrate:

The C. F. Meyer celebration in the Predigerkirche on Feb 2, 2018

The event was moderated by Manfred Papst. Iso Camartin lectured on C. F. Meyer's work and Frank Arnold read Meyer’s heart-warming novella, The Shot from the Pulpit. No wonder that the fatal “shot”, which nevertheless delivers a happy ending, actually went off in the pulpit.

Link zum Video der C. F. Meyer-Feier

Shakespeare-Matinée in the Burgtheater, Vienna

William Shakespeare's contemporaries valued his 154 sonnets even more than his plays. According to the opinion of the time, they made the dramatist into a poet.

The publisher thought that the most convincing complete translation of this cosmos about love in all its facets was that of Stefan George, who has a special position both in terms of linguistic beauty and precision of translation.

The publication of the audio book was crowned by a matinée on 15 April 2012 in the foyer of the Burgtheater in Vienna, at which the editor presented the edition and Peter Matić read from the sonnets.

The Burgtheater actor, Peter Matić, reads Shakespeare sonnets