Verweile doch! du bist so schön!

(Stay a while! You are so beautiful!)

On the recordings of historic organs

Albert Bolliger's sound recordings of historic organs are a voyage of discovery into the history of organ music from the Renaissance to the late 19th century. Played on the organs of the time, the locality or the country of the composer, the recorded works are brought together with the characteristic timbre of the respective instruments. In this way they are able to give at least an approximation of how the compositions might have sounded in the past.

Ideally, an organ piece can be played on the instrument for which it was composed. So here Poglietti's "Guggu" for the chamber organ in Kremsmünster.

Alessandro Poglietti, who worked as chamber and court organist in Vienna and other places in the service of Leopold I. – he is said to have been a “Teutscher” (German) – composed the “Guggu” on the occasion of a stay at the Benedictine monastery in Kremsmünster for the chamber organ there.


Keyboard of the chamber organ at Kremsmünster


Alessandro Poglietti: Imitation des Guggu

The works of J. S. Bach were not included in the Sinus series with historic organs in view of the countless recordings worldwide.

Searching for and finding exciting, little-known organ music became a passion.

Some of Buxtehude's organ works and the North German organ literature can be heard on the organs of St. Jacobi Hamburg, Norden and Roskilde. The recordings in Fiecht, Engelberg and Oslo allowed some excursions into the first half of the 20th century.

The organ CDs are accompanied by illustrations and written documentation in German, French and English.